Hey everybody!
Not a whole lot to say this week. I'm feeling better now, not 100% of course, but better. My ankle doesn't hurt for the most part and we're in Berlin now. My Pday will also be on Saturday from now until I can leave the office.
This has probably been one of the longest weeks of my mission though. I was in the hospital up until Wednesday, when I Finally got released! I was there in the same little hospital room for 5 days! I though I was going to go crazy! But, I have to say, despite the circumstances I really enjoyed my hospital stay. I had a ton of wonderful nurses there who were very supportive, and made sure that I felt at home in this foreign country. I also had a roommate(#NoPrivacy) who was a very nice man. We had great talks together, and even though I was in the hospital the Lord gave me the opportunity to share the gospel with this man. We talked about the family, and how important it is to him and to me, and about how it's possible for someone to be together with there family forever. At the end I was able to invite him to visit the open house for the Freiberg Temple in August. I don't know if he'll go, and I'll probably never see this man again. I hope he goes, and I hope I see him, but right now I can't control that. The only thing I could control was to invite him, that's all I could do, the rest right now is up to his agency and to the Lord.
We really shouldn't be afraid of an invitation, it really is quite simple, and the right invitation to the right event at the right time can be powerful! It could be as simple as a family home evening, ward cook off, to do genealogy, read church material, go on Mormon.org, sharing a church video or Mormon message with someone on Facebook, the possibilities are endless! If we invite our friends, it shouldn't matter if they say no, they'll still be our friends, and bringing friends to the church will only increase our levels of friendship. Now we can have a desire to share the gospel, but we can't do it ourselves. God has declared, "This is MY work and MY glory; to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." It's his work, so we don't have to do it alone. If we ponder about our friends, think of an invitation, and then ask God for his help, he will tell us how to share his gospel.
If you're interested, I have a challenge for you. I want you to go and write down a list of every single person that you know that could benefit from the gospel. Everyone! All of your friends, family members, coworkers, Facebook friends, everyone! It doesn't matter if they don't seem to have interest right now, or if they have rejected the offer before. Then once you have this list, brainstorm a list of invitations. It doesn't necessarily have to be to come to church or to meet with the missionaries. Like I said, it could be as simple as to share a link with them on Facebook.
After you have ideas, specifically pray over each person, and find some invitation for them. I promise that when you do this the Lord will show you how he has prepared each and every one of his children. Even if the people you invite don't accept your invitation, don't get discouraged, you did your part! Try again later! I want to end with a scripture in Doctrine and Covenants 18:10, 15-16: "10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God... And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father! And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!"
I bear my testimony that I know that Christ lives and loves each and every one of God's children. I know that he leads this church. I know that our Father in Heaven is loving, and he wants all of his children to return to him. I also want to bear testimony of the power that missionary work can have in our lives. I have been blessed so much through my mission, and through this work, more than I can even describe. Yes it's hard, not everyone is as accepting to the truth as I would hope, but I keep going, and the Lord keeps blessing me. I still don't know why I had to break my ankle, but I know there is a purpose behind it, and I know that the Lord can use this as an opportunity to bless his children in his own way.
I love you all, and hope you take this challenge! Spread the word! The gospel has been restored! Hallelujah!!!