Friday, May 6, 2016

Was geht ab, dicker??

Hey everybody!

Man, this Last week has been super intense, I don't even know where to begin!

On Monday we were going to go to a zoo park in Erfurt called
"Crocworld" which is supposedly a big zoo completely dedicated to
crocodiles! It sounded really cool, but sadly when we got there it was
closed! Like, super closed, and it didn't look like they would be
opening any time soon. Which is sad :( so we did a little shopping and
walked around the downtown area of the city. Then that night we were
invited to family home evening with some members, and they taught us
how to make home made egg rolls! Super good, almost as satisfying as
our spiritual thought 😉 we talked about blessings and promises and
how God honors his promises. It was a very spiritual
moment with this family and it really strengthened my testimony.

Tuesday was good. We went on exchange and I got to work with Elder
Seegmiller. They didn't have any appointments, so we went around and
tried to find new people for them to teach. The other program has been
struggling lately, and it's really hard for me as their DL to see
that, because I really want them to have success. I wish I could do
more, but the success of their program isn't in my hands, it's between
them, the Lord, and the people's agency. One really funny, horrible
thing happened while we were together. We were walking alongside a
river that flows through the city, and there was a family of ducks
playing in the water. A mama duck, a papa duck, and 3 little baby
ducklings. They were so cute! Then, a man came up to the water with
his big, bad, smelly dog! He let the dog off it's leash, and the dog
dove into the water! The mama and papa, recognizing the danger quickly
gathered the ducklings and got them to safety, but one was left
behind. He tried to swim away, but the big, bad, smelly dog was to
fast. He pounced on him, the duckling went under... And DIDN'T COME
BACK UP! Straight up one of  the saddest thing I've seen on my

Wednesday was normal. Skip Wednesday

Thursday was Elder Powell's birthday! And he also had a doctors
appointment... In Chemnitz, which is a bigger city almost 100 miles
away. It was his first area, and the appointment was set up before he
got transferred here, so I got to see Chemnitz. It's a really big
city, and it's super communist. The name of the city up until 1996 was
"Karl-Marx-Stadt" (Stadt is city), and they have a giant statue of
Karl Marx's head right in the middle of the city! It's huge! We had a
fun time, and we also met a professional basketball player in the
hospital waiting room! He was from Seattle, but had lived and played
in Germany for 8 years. He also knew a lot about the church, because
he played college ball for the University of Utah! Small world.
That night, after we got home we had our German class, and one of our
students, Ali, told us he really likes what we do, and our church, and
he wants to join! He has a lot to do before he can do that, but we're
really excited for him. We also had a little birthday party for elder

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The next cool day was Saturday. We play soccer every Saturday, which
is awesome, and I'm getting way better at soccer, so when I get home I
might go pro... Just a thought ⚽️⚽️ later that day we had an
appointment with Eddy, one of our African investigators, and while we
were there he invited his friend to come over! His friend was super
cool, and was really excited to hear more about or message! We have
another appointment with them tonight, and I'm really excited to see
where it goes.

Overall this week was great, and I love being a missionary! Have a great week!

LG Elder Oliphant

Elder Weber and Elder Anderson

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